World Pottery

Allan Chasanoff Ceramic Collection-DOUGLAS $30.00
Beautiful full color catalog of the exhibition at the Mint Museum of Craft and Design. Informative and provocative essays introduce the 157 objects by 137 artists. A very nice collection that will interest and inspire you.

Ancient Greek Pottery-VICKERS $23.00 $13.00
Fine 80 page handbook well illustrated with color photos showing a selection of wares from the Ashmolean Museum. Detailed descriptions of the pieces.

Ancient Greek Terracottas-RICHARDSON $13.00
66 illustrations in color and b&w, along with discussion and bibliographic notes on statuettes and reliefs from 1000-100 BC.

Antiques at a Glance: Ceramics-MACKAY $25.00
Over 120 color photos accompanied by descriptive and informative text introduce a wide range of collectible claywork covering a variety of countries, cultures, time periods, styles and types. An excellent reference book for the beginning collector or for someone who is interested in broadening their knowledge of ceramic history.

Art Ceramics: Pioneers in Flanders, 1938-1978-HEIREMANS $45.00
 A lovely book documenting this exciting and very contemporary work. 88 full color and 140 b&w photos illustrate the work. Descriptions and artist biographies are included.

Art Deco and Modernist Ceramics-MCREADY $25.00
Previously out of print, this is a detailed and generously illustrated volume on the subject. Excellent variety of wares, potters, factories, and designers are presented. Included is an "A-Z" appendix of designers, decorators, factories, and more.

Artful Teapot-CLARK $50.00
Prolific writer Garth Clark brings us this beautiful edition that follows up on his previous  The Eccentric Teapot.  Fascinating text accompanies over 250 pots spanning 500 years of history from Yixing to contemporary wares. All color photos.

Arts of Fire, Islamic Influence on Glass and Ceramics of the Italian Renaissance-HESS $65.00, $40.00
Published to coincide with the exhibition at the Getty Museum, this substantial book demonstrates how many of the techniques of glass and ceramic production utilized by renaissance makers were first developed in the Islamic East between the 8th and 12th centuries. 70 color illustrations.

Athenian Vase Construction: A Potters Analysis $70.00, $35.00
see the Technical section for a complete description

Breaking the Mould: New Approaches to Ceramics $40.00 OUT OF PRINT
Profiles of over 60 ceramic artists who are currently pushing the established boundaries of clay art and challenging the fine art world to rethink its assumptions about clay. New approaches to the vessel, large scale installations, found objects and commercial clay, intentional imperfection, interactive pieces, and more. Includes essays by Natasha Daintry, Rob Barnard, and Clare Twomey, as well as a forward by Cigalle Hanaor.

British Studio Ceramics-RICE $75.00
Lavishly illustrated with 247 color photos, the whole range of potters and wares from 1900 to the present are covered. Pots by Leach, Cardew, Coper, Rie, Murray, Haile, Whiting, Welch, Hepburn, and many others. Detailed text on the history and significance of the most well known names as well as some you have never heard of.

Ceramic Art from Byzantine Serres-BAKIRTZIS $20.00
Exhibition of 25 important pieces excavated from northern Greece. 27 b&w illustrations, 4 in color, 4 essays covering history, technique, materials, etc.

Ceramic Art in Finland: A Contemporary Tradition $45.00
Potter, art historian, and critic Asa Hellman has assembled a group of more than 160 clay artists. 262 illustrations with 142 in color and essays by 6 leading experts covering history and the development of Finnish ceramic art make this an outstanding book for potters and collectors alike.

Ceramic Figures, A Directory Of Artists-FLYNN $50.00
An exciting and visually stimulating presentation of the figure in ceramics over the past 25 years. 108 artists are represented through excellent color images of their work.

Ceramic Millennium, Critical Writings on Ceramic History, Theory, and Art-CLARK $45.00
A collection of 29 of the finest papers written by some of the most well known ceramic writers from eight international ceramic symposia held between 1979-1999. Fascinating and provocative insights, theories, reflections, opinions, and facts.

The Ceramic Narrative- OSTERMANN $50.00
An exploration of narrative imagery in ceramics, past and present. Ostermann discusses historical story-telling through ceramics in the imagery of the Maya, China, Persia, Japan, and European tin-glazed ware and then expands into contemporary work. Color photos on every page. Lots of information.

Ceramica y Cultura: The Story of Spanish and Mexican Mayolica - GAVIN et. al, $50.00 $30.00
Elaborate book bringing the work to life in 400 pages and 244 color photos. The work is examined in the context of history, culture, economics, and daily life. Historical as well as contemporary examples are presented as well as visits to potters workshops.

Ceramics-RAWSON $25.00
The standard study of the appreciation of the ceramic arts. Should be one of the first academic books you read on ceramics.

Ceramics- A Lifelong Passion: Peter Siemssen Collection Foundation- ARNOLDSCHE $75.00
This is a very personal book. Peter Siemssen (collector, businessman, patron) discusses 50 artists from his collection. The 50, including Hamada, Rie, Fritsch, Shimaoka, Leach, and Odundo are broken down according to geographical locations. Each artist has a brief timeline of their life and work and a summary about the artist and his or her work. Along side the photos and biographies, Siemssen recalls the artists on a much more personal level. Memories of meeting the artist, why he felt that person was significant, acquiring pieces and so forth are thought out. Siemssen writes as if he is telling stories to good friends. 

Ceramics and the Human Figure – GARCIA $39.00
Representation of the human form through artistic expression has always existed in clay form, and it continues to evolve today. From exploring the whole figure, through fragmentation to the use of the body as a means to create, artists today are working with clay and the human form in very unconventional ways across the globe. Contemporary artists have learned to play with the possibilities of materials and form more so than ever before, with digital technologies enabling and enhancing the creative process. 
This publication features works by key ceramic artists that work within the realm of the human form, showcasing and discussing individual artists with practices within the field of installation and sculpture as well as those incorporating new technologies. The artists are divided by themes, with each chapter giving a short introduction, and then going on to display the work and ideas of each, showing the large variety of work being made today. A chapter is also included on making methods, giving making sequences of the more innovative and challenging methods used by some of these artists.

Ceramics: A World Guide To Traditional Techniques $45.00
British craft writer Brian Sentance brings us a unique and fascinating collection of topics on pots, clayworking methods, and clay history from around the world and through the centuries. There are 8 well conceived sections containing over 75 topics. Copiously illustrated with all color photos, this wonderful book will serve equally as an introduction to both ceramic history and ceramic techniques.

Ceramics In The Environment-MANSFIELD $60.00
A Brand new and unique look at architectural and large scale ceramic works around the world. The book is divided into themes such as Symbolism, Pattern and Geometry, Architecture, Nature and the Human Figure, and more and focuses on the aesthetics and the works relevance to the site. Photos show the work in progress and in situ. All color photos, a fascinating study and presentation.

Ceramics from Islamic Lands-WATSON $65.00 $40.00
Oliver Watson, one of the most prolific writers on pottery and ceramics, brings us detailed text and impeccable scholarship that examines over 400 pieces from the al-Sabah Collection. Over 900 color photos are grouped by geographical and chronological sequence. Technical and historical, this book is a treasure trove of information.

Ceramics Monthly International Competition OUT OF PRINT

Clay in Art International: Yearbook 2005-2006-ed. TARKASIS $60.00
This is the first in a series of annual books of trends in ceramic art. Full-page color plates, articles on prominent artists, and essays about current clay art exhibitions fill 237 pages. This years book includes sections on Akio Takamori, Ruth Duckworth, Viola Frey, Richard Millette, From Hearth and Altar, the Venice Biennale, and SOFA's Commerce and Convergence international exhibition. An excellent addition to your library. Includes a CD-Rom with over 1000 additional images.

Clay in Art International: Yearbook 2006-2007-ed. TARKASIS $60.00
A year of clay art in full-page color plates. Highlighted events include "The Art of Betty Woodman" retrospective exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, the opening of the Clayarch Gimhae Museum in Korea, "The Human Form in Clay - The Mind's Eye" international exhibition, and a sneak preview of an upcoming Kurt Weiser show. Includes a CD-Rom of additional information and over 1200 more images.

Clay: The History And Evolution Of Humankind's Relationship With The Earth's Most Primal Element-STAUBACH $24.00 SEE SPECIALS SECTION
An absolutely fascinating book. The author presents a lively and creative look at the existence, uses, impact, and implications of clay throughout history. Cultures and the effect that clay has had on the development of civilizations from writing to the space shuttle are all discussed in a writing style that is friendly and fun to read. You will be amazed, entertained, and educated. I guarantee it!

Collecting Art Deco Ceramics-WATSON $25.00
Survey of the major producers of ware from the 20's and 30's. All color plates with informative text. Cliff, Rhead, Cooper, Moorecroft, and many others.

The Colors of Clay: Special Techniques in Athenian Vases-COHEN $85.00
248 color and 60 black-and-white photos. A book devoted to Greek vases that fall outside of the norm. Very interesting from a potter's point of view to see the experiments outside of the ceramic fashions of the day. Includes bilingual vases (half traditional black-figured, half up-and-coming red figured style), coral-red gloss, six's black ground technique, added clay, gilding, outline, white ground, and vases with handbuilt components. Some truly spectacular pieces. 341 pages. A paperback edition will be available in October of 2008 for $45.00

Confrontational Ceramics- SCHWARTZ $55.00
This book features work from 228 artists, including Arneson, Notkin, and Kottler. Hitting subjects like sex, war, the death penalty, marriage, religion, and anything else you might want to stay away from in the company of strangers, this book begs to be analyzed by the reader. A fantastic collection of works and the ideas that influenced them. Truly stunning, this could keep you mesmerized for days.

Confrontational Clay- SCHWARTZ $25.00
This small catalog is for an exhibit that toured the country and is a small sample of what is inside Confrontational Ceramics, another book by Schwartz which seems to be a heavily expanded version of this title. Wonderful, up close photography in beautiful colors. This book speaks of only a few artists; Schwartz's other book is much more in depth, and less catalog-like.

Contemporary British Studio Ceramics: The Grainer Collection- CARLANO $60.00
This book covers British pottery that is included in the Grainers' collection, a significant collecting couple from the United States. While no potter is covered in depth, it gives a nice view of what has been happening on the other side of the pond. 100 potters are included, each having a work or few shown, and a short biography. There is also a good deal of text, including an interview with the Grainers.

Contemporary Ceramics- COOPER $45.00
Wow! This is a beauty! Coming in around 300 pages, this book has plenty to admire. Not just another survey book with the same old pots. Sure, there are a few you will recognize, but with over 600 color photos, there will definitely be far more that you do not. The book focuses on work made in the last decade and discusses the shifts seen in that time.

Contemporary Ceramics-PETERSON $35.00
A survey of ceramics from all over the world featuring the work of over 260 artists in all color photos. The book is organized by thematic chapters giving the reader a very complete view of the latest developments in our craft. Biographical info is included.

Country Pottery, Traditional Earthenware Of Britain - Andrew McGarva $60

Dechter Collection of Greek Vases- HAMMA $15.00
A book to study from more than to admire. Classic shapes of pots are identified and discussed. Individual pieces are observed as well, studying the imagery and it's historical relevance and reasoning. Mostly black and white, but a few color photos inside as well.
A look at the rich tradition of British earthenware up to the present day. Culture, society, and technical info all come together. Included is a wonderful chapter on Issac Button. Color and historical b&w photos throughout. 

Delft Ceramics at the Philadelphia Museum Of Art $33.00
Never before published selection of the most interesting pieces from the collection Essay by Hans van Lemmen on the history of Delft pottery. 55 photos, 35 in color.

Deruta, A Tradition Of Italian Ceramics-MINCHILLI $35.00
Deruta s 600 year tradition of maiolica ceramics is brought to life in brilliant photos of the work, countryside and workshops. An inspiring book.

Different Stokes-UNIVERSITY OF IOWA $30.00
Outstanding catalog of the exhibition of the same name. Essays by Randy Johnson, Owen Rye, Coll Minogue, and Jack Troy are thought provoking and informative. 87 excellent reproductions in full color.

Dutch Trade & Ceramics In America 17th Century-WILCOXEN $15.00
The first section of this nice little paperback discusses the influence of the enormous Dutch merchant fleet in trade with the American colonies. The second section is a survey of Dutch pottery in the 
United States found at various historical sites.

Early Islamic Ceramics - Helen Philon $30

The 655 pieces in this extensive collection from the Benaki Museum in Athens are photographed and described with references to variations in form and decoration over time and in different regions. A good source for design ideas. B&W photos with some color plates. 10"x13", 323 pages. An amazing boopk at an amazing price'

Early Islamic Pottery: Materials & Techniques-Bernsted $50.00
A special import from the UK. See the Technical Section for a complete description

Earthen Wonders-BARDOS $30.00
A beautifully crafted book brings the work of 47 Hungarian potters to life. Traditional folk pottery as well as striking contemporary work Full page color photos.

Emergence Of Pottery-BARNETT, HOOPES $35.00
Fascinating academic study of the origination and development of pottery making in ancient societies. 71 illustrations, 17 tables. Intriguing reading, very enlightening.

European Ceramics-HILDYARD $40.00
Lively book tracing the story of European ceramics from the end of the middle ages to the present. A very fresh look with excellent photos and well written text.

Firing: Philosophies Within Contemporary Ceramic Practice-JONES $60.00
See Miscellaneous section for description

Gifts of Earth-HUYLER $75.00
There are more potters working in India than any where else! Through over 200 color photos the author documents pottery making in India today. Wonderful presentation.

Great Pots: Contemporary Ceramics from Function to Fantasy $30.00 $45.00
A beautifully handsome and attractive book focusing on the significant collection of the Newark Museum. The wares span the years 1940-2002 and are accompanied by well written and insightful essays by the author, Garth Clark, and Mark DelVecchio. Gorgeous color photos along with informative text on the historical, cultural , and societal implications of the wares make this a really outstanding book.

Greek Painted Pottery-COOK no discount, sorry! $28.00
A detailed study of the subject that has been in use by students and scholars for over 40 years. This is the most recent revised edition, the first time in paperback.The detailed text is extensive.

Greek Vases-VICKERS $10.00
Handbook showing 76 pieces from the Ashmolean Museum. Good b&w photos with fine descriptive text.

A Guide to Collecting Studio Pottery- HAWTIN $30.00
The perfect guide for someone looking to start a collection. The book includes, how, where, and why to start collecting, a list of potters names to look out for, and tips on choosing pieces. Price values are not included, as this is for the collector concerned with content above value.

Guide to Public Collections of Studio Pottery in the British Isles $28.00
Assembled by Robert Fournier, a must if you re traveling to the UK. Cross indexed by potters, museums, studios, galleries. This is a directory only-no pictures!

Handbook of Mediterranean Roman Pottery-HAYES $28.00
Introduction to the most commonly made and used wares from the 1st century BC to the 6th century AD. Technical info, a study of commerce and trade, color and b&w photos.

Humor in Craft – MARTIN $30.00
What happens when professional craft artists are allowed to let loose when they get to explore their mischievous and irreverent sides? Find out in this groundbreaking book, which, for the very first time, reveals an entirely different side of serious craft. Hundreds of images and essays from all over the world allow you to gain insight into the creative minds of contemporary artists like never before. 
A variety of traditional craft media are shown, such as furniture, ceramics, glass, fiber, jewelry, and metal, as well as a number of unique, nontraditional techniques. Even a bus shelter in London gets a creative make-over that s sure to make you smile! 
The topics range from the playful to the serious, but the message is always most enjoyable. Humor in Craft is a treasure trove for craft aficionados and humor enthusiasts alike.

For Hearth And Altar: African Ceramics From The Keith Achepohl Collection-BERZOCK $45.00
A beautiful book. Look through the functional terracotta work of Africa. Cooking pots, water containers, altar vessels. Photos of potters at work and lots of cultural information. If you can't go yourself, read the book. 164 color photos.

The History of Greek Vases-BOARDMAN $30.00
A very thorough history with many black and white photos of different styles of vases. Boardman covers Greek history and mythology, as well as delving into what is known of ancient potting and decorating technique. 302 pages. An excellent resource for design ideas, history, or other research.

Human Form in Clay-WALLER $60.00
Collection of 50 contemporary artists from around the globe whose work celebrates the human figure. Great variety of interpretations with artist statements, biographies, technical explanations and working methods. Well illustrated with all color photos.

In Her Hands, Craftswomen Changing The World $60.00
Paola Gianturco and Toby Tuttle bring us a gloriously photographed documentary of 90 women in 12 countries on 4 continents for whom their craft is their life and lifestyle. Poverty, little education, lack of health care are common themes in their lives as are their desires to provide the best they can for their children and families. This is a beautiful and important book that will inspire and educate.

Interpreting The Past, Roman Pottery - Kevin Green p$13
64 page handbook analyzing different aspects of Roman pottery including the development of Roman pottery studies, classification, science, working with Roman pottery, pottery production, and economics. For those interested in archeology and history. A British Museum publication. paperback 

Islamic Ceramics-ALLAN $23.00
Fine handbook from the Ashmolean Museum presenting 48 pieces in full color with extensive descriptive text.

Italian Ceramics: Catalogue of The J. Paul Getty Museum Collection $85.00
In this updated edition, Catherine Hess provides a gorgeous and lovely presentation of this extensive and significant collection of wares. Detailed historical and cultural text augments the beautiful color images. A museum quality book.

Italian Maiolica in the National Museums of Scotland-CURNOW OUT OF PRINT

Italian Renaissance Ceramics-WATSON $45.00 $28.00
Generously illustrated with gorgeous color photos from The Philadelphia Museum Of Art. Some of the finest examples of Italian Maiolica are presented along with wonderful text explaining the work, the makers, the designs, and the motifs. Technical information too!!!

Iznik: The Artistry Of Ottoman Ceramics-DENNY $75.00
A lavishly illustrated new look at Iznik tiles. Denny examines a variety of motifs as well as the larger aesthetic environment that nurtured them. Gorgeous, gorgeous. 206 color photos.

Iznik: The Pottery Of Ottoman Turkey-ATASOY, RABY $145.00
Unavailable for a few years, this is a magnificent large-format book on the much sought-after Ottoman ceramics whose quality, stunning designs, elegant forms and rich colours have had a profound impact on European taste. The ceramics of Iznik were among the finest works of art produced in the Ottoman Empire. The technical quality of this pottery and the beauty and immediacy of its designs have long made it one of the most popular art forms from the Islamic world. Based on many years of research, this study is the only comprehensive survey devoted to Iznik pottery vessels. This is a a gorgous book. 991 illustrations, 384 pages.

John Philip Kassebaum Collection-KASSEBAUM $30.00
This volume focuses on lead and tin glazed earthenware of Persia, Spain, Italy, France, Germany and The Netherlands. Fine color photos.

Lustre Pottery-CAIGER SMITH $35.00
See the technical section for a description

Maiolica-WILSON $23.00 $15.00
Lovely handbook of wares from the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, 34 pieces in color with detailed descriptions.

Majolica, A Complete History And Illustrated Survey $75.00
Marilyn Karmason brings us the first major study of majolica. What it is, who made it, how to 
appreciate and collect it. 200 illustrations, 140 in color.

Maiolica in the Making-HESS $35.00
Study of the Gentili and Barnabei family archives, the two major pottery producing families of the 17th and 18th centuries. A look into their personal lives as well as their pottery making activities. 20 color and 90 b&w illustrations.

Maiolica Ole, Spanish and Mexican Decorative Traditions - LISTER, LISTER $50.00 $32.50 SEE SPECIALS SECTION
A thorough study of Spanish and Mexican maiolica tracing decorative styles and influences through history. 145 color photos.

Mande Potters & Leatherworkers-FRANK $45.00 $28.00
More than a survey of the craft objects, a study of culture, spirit, and tradition of this West African group. Over 170 b&w and color illustrations.

Masterpieces of World Ceramics-LIEFKES & YOUNG $60.00
This collection from the Victoria and Albert Museum presents 120 pieces that vary in time period, countries, and styles. Presented in a time line format, this book shows how styles were developed and influenced by other cultures.

Mocha and Related Dipped Wares, 1770-1939 - RICKARD $65.00
This is the definitive book on the subject. The quality and quantity of color photos and information would be of interest to potters, historians, and collectors alike. Rickard's decades of studying and examining are quite evident in his presentation.

Modern Pots: Hans Coper, Lucie Rie, & their Contemporaries The Lisa Sainsbury Collection-FRANKEL $250.00
Previously unavailable, this is a magnificent book featuring some of the most wonderful clay work of the 20th century. Included is the work of Hamada, Leach, Henderson, Godfrey, and others. All color photos of the work with fascinating text describing the development of this vast collection. This book will bring you hours of enjoyment and satisfaction.

Moorecroft, A Guide To Moorecroft Pottery 1897-1993 $85.00
Peter Atterbury brings us a fully detailed guide with 300 color and 50 B&W photos. 218 pages. A super book.

The Naked Truth: 2004 International INVITATIONAL Wood Fire Exhibition $26.00
A catalog of pots by such recognized artists as Jeff Shapiro, Tony Clennell, and Joy Brown. Pots in a variety of styles, glazed and unglazed, towering and tiny. Color photos.

The Naked Truth: 2004 International JURIED Wood Fire Exhibition $18.00
Pots from the exhibition juried by Ryoji Koie, Janet Mansfield, and Don Reitz. Pots that illustrate the diversity of surfaces attainable from the wood kiln. Color photos.

New Ceramic Design-DE WAAL OUT OF PRINT

News From A Radiant Future-WARDROPPER $20.00
An exhibition of Soviet Porcelain from the collection of Craig and Kay Tuber, the book displays outstanding photos of the wares with insightful and intelligent essays on their production and significance. Previously unavailable.

Old Traditions in New Pots: Silver Seed Pots from the Norman L. Sandfield Collection - LOSCHER $25.00
This book showcases the collection of Sandfield, which was donated to the Heard Museum. While not about clay pots, this book is a must for anyone interested in the art of the South West. Over 240 color photos display the work of about 70 artists. The book also includes such information as to how the pieces were created and the meaning and inspiration behind them.

Pailssy Ware-KATZ, LEHR $120.00
243 full color photos provide the first comprehensive account of the 19th century French followers of Bernard Palissy. Striking, intriguing work, brilliant colors.

Persian Ceramics: From the 9th to the 14th Century-ed. CURATOLA $50.00
Gorgeous! 140 full-page color plates of functional pieces decorated with brushed or incised geometric designs and calligraphy, animals and people. An introduction discusses the history of the area which is now Iran, and the influences various cultures have had on it and its art. A section at the back of the book keys thumbnail pictures to the type of clay, oxides, and forming techniques used for each piece, and translates calligraphic inscriptions. An excellent resource.

Persistence of Craft - Paul Greenhalgh $55
A collection of essays from artists, historians, and philosophers from around the world that explores some of the most important and provocative issues involving crafts. Included are discussions on post-modernism, tradition, ethnicity, the avant-garde, museums, and craft literature. A very handsome book filled with color photos that is intelligent and thought-provoking.

Portuguese Palissy Ware - Marshall Katz $75
This is a wonderful book attesting to the far reaching influence of Bernard Palissy. Showcased here is ware produced in the town of Caldas de Rainha between 1853 and 1920. Included is a history, background information on Bernard Palissy, technical information, makers marks, and more. The detailed text is accompanied by 159 outstanding color photos of some of the finest work made. This book is an outstanding value. hardcover reg.

Postmodern Ceramics-DEL VECCHIO $45.00
An international survey and overview of ceramics from 1980 to the present day. Over 130 artists from more than 25 countries are represented in 327 illustrations with 247 in color. Provocative text and artist biographies.

The Pot Book-DE WAAL $50.00
Edmund de Waal has taken on the task to document the extraordinary range and variety of ceramic vessels of all periods. This massive book is organized in an alphabetical format with a single entry on each page accompanied by a full page color photo illustrating that entry. It is a unique book that will inform, educate, and inspire. I have a copy next to my living room chair! 

Pots And People-MELLOR $14.00
80 page handbook featuring a selection of wares from the Oxford Museum. 92 illustrations in color and b&w portray an account of medieval and later life in England. Fascinating!

Pots of Promise; Mexicans and Pottery At Hull House, 1920-40 $60.00 $30.00
Editors Cheryl Ganz and Margaret Strobel explore the untold stories of the Hull House arts programs.Included in this first book on Chicago s Hull House kilns are 131 color and b&w photos and 4 essays.

Potters and Paintresses-BUCKLEY $40.00
The role of women in the great English studios of the 19th & 20th centuries.

Potters Art-CLARK $30.00
A huge book covering the peasant, industrial, artist, and studio potters who created British ceramics throughout history. A fascinating look into the development of our craft. Profusely illustrated and well written.

Potters Art, Material Culture-GLASSIE $26.00
Provocative study of the art and craft of pottery making in different cultures through stories and profiles of the potters. From Bangladesh, Sweden, Georgia, Acoma, Turkey, Japan, and Hagi. Enlightening and enjoyable reading.

Pottery From Spanish Shipwrecks-MARKEN no discount $55.00
Comprehensive analysis of Spanish pottery 1500-1800, from the collections of 18 shipwrecks. 122 drawings, 44 b&w photos, glossary, index, bibliography.

Pottery In Rajasthan-KRAMER $50.00
Focuses on the traditional urban potters in the northwest cities of Jodhpur and Udaipur. Interviews with over 200 potters and vendors bring the work to life.

Pottery In The Making-FREESTONE, GAIMSTER $35.00
A unique compilation investigating ceramic production over the past 12,000 years. 26 scholars focus on more than 30 pottery traditions. Over 240 illustrations.

Pottery Of The Islamic World-FEHERVARI $40.00 $20.00
Wonderful handbook, 91 significant wares dating from the 8th century from the Tareq Rajab Museum, Kuwait. Detailed historical and cultural text.

Raku: Origins, Impact, Contemporary Expression - ROMBERG $65.00
A beautifully produced book. Accompanies the 2005 exhibition of contemporary and historical raku-ware from the Eagleheart Center for Art and Inquiry. Includes 10 potters from the USA, UK, Taiwan, France, Switzerland, and Japan. Artist statements, drawings, photos of firings, and pictures of finished pots all flow in a beautiful stream of conscience format from page to page. It is like an artist notebook passed from friend to friend. Lovely.

Revolution, Life, and Labor: Soviet Porcelains 1918-1985-SHINN $16.95 SEE SPECIALS SECTION
83 pieces from the Shapiro Collection at the Cooper Hewett Museum. Compelling and provocative, fine photos.

Roman Pottery, Interpreting The Past - Kevin Green p$13
64 page handbook analyzing different aspects of Roman pottery including the development of Roman pottery studies, classification, science, working with Roman pottery, pottery production, and economics. For those interested in archeology and history. A British Museum publication. paperback 

Shards, Garth Clark on Ceramic Art-CLARK $30.00 $45.00 OUT OF PRINT
A selection of Garth Clark s best writing, drawn from twenty-five years of discussions on individual artists, issues, and the history of ceramics. Almost 500 pages full of worthy insight, observation, and ideas.

St. Ives 1883-1993: Portrait Of An Art Colony-WHYBROW $39.50
The first in depth study of this unique artists village. Over 300 photos bring the artists and village to life. Biographies and lists of the artists including Leach, Hepworth, Gabo, and many, many more.

St Ives, 1939-64: Twenty Five Years of Painting, Sculpture & Pottery -BROWN $75.00
Out of print for almost 10 years, a documentation of the famous exhibit at The Tate Gallery. 260 illustrations, 65 in color. A fantastic record of St Ives at its artists.

Studio Pottery: Twentieth Century British Ceramics in the Victoria and Albert Museum Collection-WATSON $50.00
This book touches on many important figures of the movement, including Cooper, Rie, Leach, and Duckworth. A lengthy introduction discusses these works and their context in history. Large color photos fill about half of the book, while many smaller black and white photos fill the second half. A condensed biography of each artist is included along side plates of the work.

Ten Thousand Years Of Pottery-COOPER $55.00
Completely re-written edition of the author s book  History Of World Pottery.  Outstanding presentation with a personal style; following the history of pottery chronologically around the world. Generously illustrated with 250 color and 150 b&w illustrations.

Terre et Feu-BOOKE $25.00
Four Centuries Of French Ceramics From The Boone Collection are showcased in this expanded exhibition catalog. The 85 pieces are in full color and are formal, elegant, and absolutely lovely.

Tin Glazed Pottery $35.00 see the technical section for a description 

Traditional Pottery Of India-PERRYMAN $65.00
Beautiful presentation in full color. It is as much about the culture as it is about the craft. Personal insights, sensitive stories, outstanding color photos. 5 years in the making!

Traditional Pottery Of Papau New Guinea-MAY, TUCKSON $65.00
The most comprehensive survey ever of the traditional pottery of Papua New Guinea. Clay preparation, pottery formation, and firing techniques are interwoven with information on the functions of the pottery and the various approaches to decoration. Detailed descriptions of the pottery and legends about the origins of the clay and potmaking.

20th Century Ceramic Designers In Britain-CASEY $79.50
The first major study of its kind, this concentrates on the pioneering designers who attempted to improve the quality of shape and decoration of tableware. Included are Cliff, Rhead, Cooper, Murray, and other important designers. Loaded with 354 color and 106 b&w photos this is a gorgeous book.

20th Century Ceramics-DE WAAL $15.00
A comprehensive survey that provides background and commentary on leading practitioners, critics, theorists, and ceramic pioneers. The writing will illuminate the development of clay art through the 20th century. A wonderful collection of writing with 180 illustrations, 80 in color.

Understanding Greek Vases: Guide To Terms, Styles, & Techniques-CLARK $15.00
Andrew Clark gives us a very sensible presentation in clear text and numerous illustrations. Very complete, interesting, and extremely informative.

Wallace Collection Catalogue Of Ceramics I-NORMAN $20.00
Hundreds of photos chronicling this collection of wares from Spain, Italy, France, Germany, England, Iznik, Persia, and unidentified wares from the 15th &16th centuries. Detailed descriptions and analysis.

Welcome To The World Of English Slipware-STARR $25.00
see the section on Decoration for a description.

Women and Ceramics: Gendered Vessels-VINCENTELLI OUT OF PRINT
An examination of some of the great female ceramic traditions in history and some of the most important female potters of the last century. An interesting read for potters interested in sociology, anthropology, or art history. 255 pages with historical black and white photos.

Women Potters, Transforming Traditions-VINCENTELLI $40.00
A look at female pottery traditions around the globe. The archeological record, gender roles, and interviews with current women potters. Very interesting on multiple levels.

World Contemporary Public Ceramic Art- YUSHAN, $95.00, no discount
This book is a special import item. This book is stuffed with full color photos or artists and their works across the world in public spaces. Most of the text is in Chinese, however there are forwards by Wayne Higby and Nancy Selvage in English. Artists' names and countries are printed in English as well. Don't let a language barrier stop you from admiring these hundreds of wonderful pieces.

Yikwani, Contemporary Kiwi Ceramics-RYAN, MCLEOD $20.00
40 page catalog of a fascinating exhibition at the National Gallery Of Victoria, Australia.