Arcanum- GLEESON $22.00 or a 4 cassette audio book for $24.00This story is based on true events in the 18th century when Europeans were trying to discover the secret to making porcelain. The story focuses on three characters and the greed and glory that surrounds them with this royal discovery.
Art Forms In Nature-HAECKEL $15.00
About 1000 objects including shells, plants, orchids, sea life, lichens, algae, ferns, and a host of other life forms in beautiful lithographs. Wonderful renderings. Published in 1904.
Art Forms In The Plant World-BLOSSFELDT $15.00
First published in 1929, this is a wonderful collection of 120 photographs of plants, stems, buds, pods, twigs, and more to inspire you and charge up your creative mind.
Calling The Planet Home-TROY $15.00
A sweet, lovely, and wonderful collection of 52 poems by Jack Troy, potter and author of Wood Fired Stoneware And Porcelain . This is his first book of poetry and I hope it s not his last. You will find much enjoyment and pleasure in this little volume.
The Cave-SARAMAGO $25.00, $14.00
Newest novel from Nobel Prize winner Jose Saramago. An elderly potter is suddenly told his wares are no longer wanted for sale. Undaunted, he perseveres. Allegory, metaphor, implied and expressed meanings; a gripping novel of suppression of individuality, and stoic humanity.
Ceramics Display Cards- CRYSTAL PRODUCTIONS $16.00
16 cards, 18"x6"mini posters of wedging, pinching, coiling, slab building, hump molds, centering, throwing, trimming, glazing, firing, raku, tiles, decorating, score and slip, stamping, and sculpture. Each card has 4-9 photos of the process and finished pieces, although the process is not illustrated as fully as the Ceramics Posters below also by Crystal Productions. Requires an additional $5 packing and shipping charge. Sorry.
14 posters, 17"x22" posters of wedging, pinch pots, coil, slab, hump molds, centering and throwing, manipulating the cylinder, handles/lids/covers, trimming, profiles of pots, glazing, and firing. Each poster contains a series of well done photos illustrating the theme. Heavy duty stock with a protective plastic coating. Great for hanging in the classroom or studio. Requires an additional $5 packing and shipping charge. Sorry.
Ceramics Prints-CRYSTAL PRODUCTIONS $30.00
12 prints, 12"x16" covering a diverse selection of styles and techniques from ancient to contemporary work. Requires an additional $5 packing and shipping charge. Sorry.
Ceramics Timeline-DAVIS PUBLICATIONS no discount $44.00 OUT OF PRINT
Three 60"x12" panels with beautiful reproductions and informative text highlighting clay from 35,000 BC to the present. A wonderful teaching tool. A curriculum guide with suggested activities, vocabulary with definitions, and bibliography is included. Requires an additional $5 packing and shipping charge. Sorry.
ClayArt Cooks!-ed SKEEN $28.00
A wonderful and eclectic collection of recipes (and images of pots) culled from members of ClayArt, the online potters discussion group. (Not many copies left!)
Clay, Light, and Water- O'ROURKE, $29.00
The first half of this title shows examples of artists and their work using the materials of the title. From there is proceeds to discuss methods of working, electrical wiring, and the use of fountains. A must have if you've been thinking about lamps or fountains.
Dreaming In Clay-MAURER, IGLESIAS $30.00
From the liner notes: A moving family history of four generations of artisans, replete with romance, tragedy, passion, eccentricity......set against the backdrop of myth drenched Mississippi. The story of the Anderson family and the Shearwater Pottery of Ocean Springs. Wonderful telling with emotion, respect, and love.
An eclectic collection of shared recipes by the members of the OCGA. What could be more sumptuous that recipes from fellow potters??
Fine Art Of Japanese Food Arrangement-TSUCHIYA $35.00 OUT OF PRINT
An absolutely wonderful book that is as much about pottery and vessels as it is about food! Page after page of pots including a chapter on foods and utensils in Japanese history. This is truly a feast for the eyes!
Firing: Philosophies Within Contemporary Ceramic Practice-JONES $60.00
An interesting look at the potter's relationship to firing. Everything from the chemistry of combustion and heat retention in kilns to firing as metaphor and performance art. Chapters on experimental kilns, profiles of potters grouped by firing type. Technical information, pictures of pots, photos of firings and kilns. A little bit of everything.
Hare With Amber Eyes-DE WAAL $16.00, deluxe illustrated hardcover edition $40.00
Internationally known potter Edmund de Waal's biographical memoir weaves a tale of mystery, intrigue, tragedy, and triumph as he tells the story of his family through the travels and chronology of a collection of Japanese netsuke. It is the story of lavish lifestyles, unexpected turns of events, and the rise of anti-semitism in pre and post WW II Europe from Odessa to Paris to Tokyo to England. A remarkable story about an equally remarkable family.
Mesa Verde Mug Poster- SWINK, $18.00
18" x 24", printed in color on heavy stock paper. A display of 57 authentic replicas of actual Mesa Verde mugs by Clint Swink.
Minnesota Hot Dish-NORTHERN CLAY CENTER $6.00
Each page has a photo of a baking or serving dish with a recipe from the artist. It s a wonderful little book!! From the exhibition at The Northern Clay Center in 1995.
Natural Art Forms-BLOSSFELDT $15.00
Another inspirational and creative collection of photos from nature. This book contains 120 classic photos first published in 1932 and all different from Art Forms In The Plant World.
Potters Pantry: Fabulous Food From Fusion $12.00
A wonderfully eclectic collection of recipes by members and friends of the Ontario Clay & Glass Association. Appetizers, soups, salads, main dishes, veggies, breads, deserts, you name it. This is full of mouth watering concoctions by some pretty creative folks!
Smart Claypot Cookery $12.00
An eclectic collection of recipes for cooking in earthenware pots. Meats, fish, soups, veggies, etc. Includes info on use and treatment of clay cooking pots.
Sustainable Ceramics – HARRISON $27.00
More and more artists are interested in producing work that is not only beautifully designed and produced, but is also environmentally friendly and socially responsible. In Sustainable Ceramics, pioneer Robert Harrison draws on more than four decades of making to present practical possibilities for ceramic artists. This book covers all the factors to consider when going 'green', from fuels and alternative firing technology to energy-saving methods, sustainable ways to collect and use clay itself, and ways to deal with waste materials and save water. He suggests simple and achievable methods by which to reduce the carbon footprint of ceramic art, and offers examples throughout of practitioners who reclaim, reuse and recycle in their work. Sustainable Ceramics is an essential resource for any ceramicist, studio or school wishing to reduce the impact of their practice on the environment.
Uncommon Clay-MARON $24.00, $7.00
Another in the author s Deborah Knott mystery series, this takes place in North Carolina clay country and follows the stormy story of two potters as they work through a bitter divorce. Suicide, scandal, death, and a closet of secrets come to light in this intriguing novel.
Writing Life-DILLARD $11.00
A sensitive, insightful collection of thoughts, phrases, advice, observations, and expressions on the art and craft of writing. Writing however is a metaphor and Annie Dillard may as well be talking about being a potter. Wisdom, reality, and encouragement.